I never imagined that hitler will be so popular in my college.I felt so happy and proud when the entire CSE '09 batch shouted "hail hitler " during the farewell.Well I am not talking about the great nazi but a very dear friend of mine.We have all heard "big dhamakaas come in small packages" and she is one of them.I never had the chance of being so close to girls but right from the first year we danced on the same tunes.
Our friendship grew stronger as years passed on....
She has wonderful negotiation skills which always start from "laats and ghusaas" and ends with a very gentle smile.
Her volubility in speaking hindi is an art in itself.....and she portrays a perfect bengali in her when she talks about fish....
Close ones will agree that she has a heart of gold and I still remember the lines she told me when we were going for the mandarmani trip....
Her love for smokes and liquid was deciphered during our 'infamous' jetty trips....
which were always made special by suchi's activities.
It was bcoz of her presence that I could always find out the latest happenings in d girls hostel.Having spies in girls hostel really helps.....
How can I forget the innumerable meets at tupi kaka's dokan(meeting during class hours was difficult...well classes r not meant for me ), garden restaurant, the deptt. tours, fests, the digha trip, d road infront of the matangini, the city centre.... and the innumerable places we have been together spending such precious times.
Time will fly away....and probably we will meet somewhere...somehow..... but you will always be close to my heart....
luv u
well, better late than never :) November,2009 to Feb,2012. :D
I cant be angry with you forever.
And you could have asked for a presentable photo.. Ar kono chobi peli na??
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